Assassin's Creed III: Tyranny of King Washington – The Redemption [3DM GAME] Trainer +11

Assassin's Creed III: Tyranny of King Washington – The Redemption 

[3DM GAME] Trainer +11

Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington - The Redemption is more entertaining and action-packed than the sluggish second episode, The Betrayal. The story moves at a rapid pace, the missions are full of variety, and evil George Washington is given the face time his villainous character so rightly deserves. Sadly, for all the intriguing mysteries raised by the downloadable content's alternate universe setting, the ending is a total cop-out. If you were hoping for greater insight into the wider lore of the Assassin's Creed universe, you will be sorely disappointed.

It feels good to be back on board the Aquila.
After the repetitive fetch quests of The Betrayal, seeing Connor on board the Aquila for The Redemption's action-packed opening comes as a relief. The naval battles were a highlight in Assassin's Creed III and are similarly entertaining here as you blast the Aquila's cannons at a fleet of ships and enter New York City. It's there that Washington is securing his place as the king of the United States by building a pyramid, right in the heart of the city. This hasn't gone down well with Connor, who immediately breaks out his herbal tea to summon another animal spirit.

This time, you're endowed with the power of the bear, a stomping physical attack with a wide blast radius that's particularly handy when you're surrounded by a large group of enemies. It's a very satisfying attack to use, especially when you see enemies being thrown into the air like rag dolls, but it does sap a fair bit of your health away when you use it. This means that, more often than not, the power of the bear works better as a last resort than a first line of attack.

And you may end up being surrounded more often than you expect, thanks to the sheer number of enemies scattered around the streets of New York: you can't so much as set foot on the ground before being surrounded by some burly bluecoats. That means most of the time you're forced up onto the rooftops, zapping between them using Conner's eagle power, or jumping to missions using fast travel. The high soldier count makes sense within the narrative, but it leaves little opportunity for you to explore the city.


- Infinite Health
- Infinite Coin
- Infinite Ammo
- Infinite Arrow
- Infinite Smoke Bomb
-Super Jump
- No Reload
- Instant Call ASSASSINS
- Save Location
- Teleport
- Undo Teleportation
- Teleport to Marker
- Infinite consumables



1. Run the Trainer.
2. Launch game.
3. Load your save.
4. Use hack, when all will be good, you'll hear the specific sound.
5. Enjoy!